The Vaughan Tribe at Dee's Retirement Service |
This has been an eventful year for the Vaughans in many ways. Perhaps the biggest change in the Vaughan house is that, after 41 years of fulltime pastoral ministry, Dee retired in April. The good folks at St. Andrews Baptist Church gave him a wonderful sendoff, including a new Taylor guitar to enjoy. After a few months off, Dee accepted the call of the Greenlawn Baptist Church to serve as their Interim Pastor, and is enjoying sharing church life with them. Just imagine, a group of people who haven't heard any of his favorite stories! In July, Dee served as chaplain of a medical missions team to Honduras. In addition to leading worship with the
The Roatan Crew
team, he visited patients and their families and taught children in Vacation Bible School. After the week of work, as another part of Dee's retirement gift, Linda joined him in Honduras for several days of leisurely living on the island of Roatan. Dear friends the Kings and Sheets came along to make the trip wonderful. Dee also continues to refurbish donated guitars and send them to Honduran churches that have no instruments for worship music. He calls the project "One-Way Guitars."
Linda with James |
Linda continues teaching adult education for Lexington School District 2. Their award-winning program helps so many in our community take advantage of a second chance at earning their high school diploma and gaining all the opportunities that accomplishment brings. Linda continues to worship and serve at St. Andrews where, for the first time since the early 1980s, she has a pastor other than Dee and is not known as the pastor's wife. She seems to be enjoying her new status in church life.
Hail to the Graduate!
Elizabeth, Josh, and the boys lead busy lives in Gaffney, SC, where she continues to teach special education and Josh pastors the East Gaffney Baptist Church. Elizabeth made us all proud as she earned her Master of Education degree this year, graduating with honors while working fulltime, supporting her pastor husband in his ministry, and raising three boys. Liam, Creighton, and Josiah are strong students and are each excelling in his own way. Liam entered the political arena this year, being elected as Vice President of his school's Beta Club. Creighton continues to defeat all opponents in kick-boxing and Josiah is progressing in his piano studies.
The J-Name Club |
Josh and Jen thrilled us with the announcement that they have a third child on the way, due around March 19, 2025. They decided not to find out the gender of this child until birth, so the rest of the family is busying guessing which "J" name they will assign to the new arrival. Juliana attends public kindergarten in a French immersion program and is loving big school. James is still learning, growing, and smiling his way out of trouble at St. Andrews Weekday Preschool. Josh continues his physical therapy work at Ft. Jackson and completed his first Ironman Triathlon in September. I would describe the event, but even writing about it makes me tired. Jen continues her physical therapy work for Prisma Health Care, working primarily with children, adolescents, and scoliosis patients.
Andrew Celebrating His Birthday |
Andrew is making his mark on the banking world, having been promoted into the role of Loan Officer at Palmetto Citizens Federal Credit Union. Andrew is a customer favorite because he offers listening ears and helpful advice to those he serves. With work being only a couple of miles from Dee and Linda's home, Andrew often stops by for lunch and a quick visit. He loves being Uncle Andrew to his niece and nephews.
That's our story (or at least the parts we can publish)! We'd love to hear from you and catch up on all your family happenings. Blessings to you in this holy season and as we journey on into 2025.