I’m Counting Your
Christmas Day of 1988, our Elizabeth was four years old and had a
three-month-old baby brother, Josh. This
was the first year that Santa brought gifts for more than one child to our
home. Josh wasn’t too impressed with his
Christmas goodies. A three-month-old is
too busy eating and sleeping to worry about much else. But when Elizabeth came into the living room
to see the Christmas gifts, she ran straight for the toys that Santa had
brought to her baby brother. Look at this! Look at this!
I would like one of these!
Finally, wanting to redirect Elizabeth’s yuletide attention, we asked, “And what did Santa Claus bring you?” She pointed over her shoulder without even
turning her head and said, “That stuff
over there.”
Some of us never experience happiness
because everyone else’s blessings look so much better than our own. We count their blessings and envy them
instead of seeing God’s goodness at work in our own lives and praising
Him. Proverbs warns us about counting
someone else’s blessings.
(Proverbs 14:30) A heart at peace gives life to the
body, but envy rots the bones.
Wanting someone else’s life will
destroy your life. God wants you to see your blessings. Like the Father in the Parable of the
Prodigal Son who pleads with his jealous older son to come in and join the
celebration of his brother’s return, God pleads with you to stop being jealous
of the love He’s shown another one of His children and realize that He loves
you too.
(Luke 15:31) 'My son,' the father said, 'you are
always with me, and everything I have is yours.
As long as you count someone else’s
blessings, you have nothing. When you
see your own, you have everything.
This story is included in my book, The Stories of My Life, a collection of more than 200 life experiences that taught me about the art of living. You can find the book at Amazon.com and at St. Andrews Baptist Church in Columbia, SC.